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那些自然語言處理 (Natural Language Processing, NLP)踩的坑 | 那些ASR和TTS可能會踩的坑 | 那些語音處理 (Speech Processing) 踩的坑
那些大型語言模型要踩的坑 | 那些檢索增強生成 (Retrieval-Augmented Generation, RAG) 要踩的坑 | 白話文手把手帶你科普 GenAI
Career - 十大熱門人才系列報導: 機器學習專家 | 科技抗疫: 提高聲紋辨識正確率,添防疫新利器 | 台北就業大補帖:人工智慧新顯學 讓機器自動學習
https://huggingface.co/DeepLearning101 | Google Scholar | ScholarGPS | https://github.com/Deep-Learning-101
© 2010-2025 TonTon H.-D. Huang Ph.D. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | TonTon (at) TWMAN.ORG
M.S., OASE Lab., Dept. of Information and Learning Technology (數位學習科技學系), National University of Tainan (國立臺南大學), Taiwan;Prof. Chang-Shing Lee
Ph.D., IKMLab., Dept. of Computer Science and Information Engineering (資訊工程學系), National Cheng Kung University (國立成功大學), Taiwan;Prof. Hung-Yu Kao
Over 10 years of academic research and industry hands-on experiences in Cyber-Security, Speech Processing, Natural Language Processing & Computer Vision