2016/11/11 ~ Now:Deep Learning 101
Call for Partner or POC, Please Contact TonTon (at) TWMAN.ORG
~ 企業落地應用深度學習及大型語言模型首選 ~
那些自然語言處理踩的坑 | 那些語音處理踩的坑
大型語言模型要踩的坑 | 那些ASR和TTS可能會踩的坑
白話文手把手帶你科普 GenAI
檢索增強生成 (Retrieval-Augmented Generation, RAG) 要踩的坑
台灣人工智慧社團 FB | YouTube | Odysee
Focus on the development of information systems planning, development, and maintenance for artificial intelligence and cybersecurity, including machine learning, deep learning, etc. Develop ASR text AI error correction, OCR recognition for accounting documents and vouchers, large language (multimodal) models, and applications such as multi-agent and workflow systems.
2023/12/11~2024/07, Manager, Department Chief, Information and Communications Technology, Taipei, Taiwan 想不開??
莫須有、吞下去;不要問,很可怕 ! !
Develop ASR text AI error correction, OCR recognition for accounting documents and vouchers.
2022/07/04~2023/12/11, Senior AI Technical Architect, Digital, Data and Technology, Cathay Financial Holdings, Taiwan
資深AI技術架構師,數位數據暨科技發展中心 (數數發),國泰金融控股股份有限公司,台灣
Applying named entity recognition and event extraction, analyze medical diagnostic reports to develop medical categories and related start and end dates, enhancing the efficiency of verifying relevant forms by data entry personnel. (HugIE@HugNLP)針對醫療診斷書和收據用 PaddleOCR 做光學字元辨識技術採用文本/表格偵測、識別及關鍵資訊擷取做分析;提升登打人員驗證表單效率。
For medical diagnosis reports and receipts, PaddleOCR is utilized for optical character recognition (OCR) technology. This involves text detection, text recognition, and key information extraction for analysis, enabling the development of form information analysis. This enhances the efficiency of data entry personnel in verifying relevant forms.應用語音識別和語音去噪,針對遠距投保/電話訪問/客服等語音,開發其相關、語音文字質檢用,提升質檢人員驗證話術驗證之效率。。
Applying speech recognition and noise reduction, develop related speech-to-text quality assurance tools for remote insurance applications, telephone interviews, and customer service, enhancing the efficiency of verifying language proficiency by quality assurance personnel.
2015/12/28-2021/03/21, Senior Technical Expert and Team Lead, Leopard Mobile (Cheetah Mobile TW Agency), Taiwan
資深技術專家 (資訊安全與人工智慧),台灣雪豹科技 (獵豹移動台灣總代理),台灣
Developed the State-Of-The-Art algorithms and designed the architecture to fulfill the product's requirements.
Design architecture, generate our own datasets, model quantization, and enhance performance (including improving response time to milliseconds, model size, precision and accuracy).
Concerning speech separation, enhancement, speaker recognition, and speech recognition, which improve the quality of voice, integrate with name entity recognition, classification, similarity, correction, and machine reading comprehension, and improve the user experience to make the robots understand the human meaning.
Cyber-security: focused on malware, blockchain vulnerability analysis and cryptocurrency ranking
Presented at Defcon, RuxCon, OWASP Appsec, HITCON and Career: Machine Learning Expert. (link)AI: Speech Processing, Natural Language Processing, and Computer Vision.
Defending Taiwan, Fighting the Pandemic with Technology. (link)
NVIDIA Developer: AI Improves the Frequency and Quality of Mobile App Notifications (link).規劃建置機器學習(ML)/深度學習(DL)之產品演算法模型、需求分析、技術流程 (含AutoML與MLOps),品質與版本控管及發展藍圖
Career - 十大熱門人才系列報導: 機器學習專家
科技抗疫: 提高聲紋辨識正確率,添防疫新利器Android 及區塊鏈威脅分析(R2-D2)、加密貨幣分析和App廣告彈窗推薦系統(C-3PO)
Defcon, RuxCon, OWASP Appsec
語音分割:優化透過中間狀態傳遞資訊的RNN/CNN模型分離效果,整合sudo-rm自監督模型採multi-resoultion feature 下採樣與重採樣,新增修正語音重疊長度。
機器閱讀理解:翻譯SQuAD 1.0和2.0以及DRCD等數據集,優化bert模型,開發自有數據標註工具,解決關鍵字及正規表示式問題。
#Security #軟體工程系統開發 #系統架構分析規劃 #軟體整合測試 #問題追蹤處理(Bug tracking) #自動化系統設計整合
2014/07/07-2015/12, Senior Security Engineer, Verint Systems (Taiwan), Taipei, Taiwan
Android malicious analysis and Evidence: A Hybrid Malware Probing System for Android Applications (APKProbe), which Combines both semantic-based static analysis to overcome packers and physical cluster machine-based dynamic analysis to bypass anti-sandboxing techniques.
Custom Training, Architect Solution, and Cyber Security Research
APKProbe:Android Apps混合惡意程式探測系統,結合基於語義的靜態分析來克服混淆編譯和基於實體機器的動態分析來規避反虛擬機技術。
#Android #規劃與管理防火牆 #軟體程式設計 #網路系統配置 #安裝與維護網路安全系統 #資訊設備環境設定
2014/01/20-2014/07/04, Senior Security Engineer, Acer Cyber Security, Taipei, Taiwan
Developed the toolkit for Digital Forensics cluster Services "Acer Cyber Evidence".
Custom Training, Product Maintenance, and Cyber Security Research.
Acer Cyber Evidence:與Arcsight整合的數位鑑識工具
#規劃與管理防火牆 #網路安全架構分析與設計 #系統架構規劃與維護 #網路規劃管理 #系統整合分析 #系統架構規劃
2013/09~2013/09:2012 台法(NSC-INRIA)聯合團隊人員交流計畫
Visiting Scholar, TAO, an Inria Saclay-IDF team in Lri, Univ. Paris-Sud, Dr. Olivier Teytaud
Funding support "Intelligent Decision Making Mechanisms with Hidden Information and Application to Electricity Generation" under the framework of the NSC-INRIA International Program from Taiwan National Science Council (NSC)
2011/10/15 ~ 2012/05/05:2010 台灣與英國頂尖大學前期合作研究計畫 (週遊列校_No.10-英國艾賽克斯大學)
Visiting Scholar, University of Essex, School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, Prof. Hani Hagras
Funding support "Type-2 Fuzzy Ontology Model and Its Applications" under the framework of the 2010 Initiative Research Cooperation among Top Universities between UK and Taiwan from Taiwan National Science Council (NSC)
2008/11-2011/09/28, Assistant Researcher, National Center for High-Performance Computing, Tainan, Taiwan
Integrated with Diskless Remote Boot in Linux (DRBL) to develop the open-source toolkit for malware analysis "TWMAN".
Custom Training, and Cyber Security Research.
TWMAN (抬丸郎):基於WINDOWS的開源自動化惡意程式行為分析。
#規劃與管理防火牆 #網路規劃管理 #網路安全架構分析與設計 #系統架構規劃與維護 #伺服器網站管理維護 #網路系統配置
2006/12/04 ~ 2013/09/25: 知識本體應用與軟體工程實驗室 (李健興教授)
National University of Tainan, Dept. of Computer Science and Information Engineering
Prof. Chang-Shing Lee, Ontology Applications & Software Engineering Laboratory ( OASE Lab.)
2013/10/14:拜訪 Imperial College London
2013/09/09:2013 台法(NSC-INRIA)聯合團隊人員交流計畫 II
2013/03/11:2013 Taiwanese-French Research Collaboration on Energy Management
2012/12/14:國科會102年度專題研究計畫申請經驗分享 暨 產學小聯盟意見溝通座談會
2012/11/26:臺灣魔圍棋邀請賽@黑嘉嘉、周平強 vs 臺灣魔圍棋
2012/11/26:國立臺南大學 114週年校慶活動-師生研發成果發表會暨年終記者會
2012/08/14:國立臺南大學專業發展合作單位 聯席會議
2012/06/12:Human vs. Computer Go Competition @ IEEE WCCI 2012
2012/06/08:Acer eDC 資安維運處 處長 至南大數位演講
2012/05/30:南科產學協會 - 半導體推廣委員會 - 101年度半導體產學論壇
2012/05/27:雲端奕趣 - 臺灣魔圍棋邀請賽
2012/05/25:Google台灣 副總 至南大數位系演講
2012/05/16:2012 French-Taiwanese Workshop on Energy Management
2012/04/25:南臺灣國立大學研發策略聯盟拜訪 Imperial College London
2012/04/23:2012 Research Collaboration Workshop for Top UK-TW Universities
2012/03/01:南臺灣國立大學研發策略聯盟 參訪 Google臺灣暨Google+ Hangouts 平台啟用儀式
2012/02/03:拜訪 Google UK
2012/01/12:拜訪 Google 臺灣
2011/06/27:FUZZ-IEEE 2011_全球電腦圍棋爭霸賽@TCGA
2011/06/26:FUZZ-IEEE 2011_歐洲+美國+日本-南臺灣學術論壇
2011/04/14:IEEE SSCI 2011-Computer Go Competition
2010/11/23:台法國合計畫-整合知識本體於蒙地卡羅樹搜尋與其應用: 2010 臺灣魔圍棋圍棋棋士邀請賽
2006/09/15-2008/06 碩士 (M.S.) 國立臺南大學 數位學習科技系 (週遊列校_No.08-國立臺南大學)
Supervisor: Dr. Chang-Shing Lee,OASE Lab.;Co-Supervisor: Dr. Tsung-Yen Chuang
National University of Tainan, Information and Learning Technology
2002/09-2006/06:學士 立德大學 資訊工程系 (週遊列校_No.07-立德大學)
Leader University, Computer Science and Information Engineering
2001/09 ~ 2002/06:嘉南藥理科技大學 進修部 工業安全與衛生學系 (週遊列校_No.06-嘉南藥理科技大學)
Chia Nan University, The School of Continuing Education, Department Pharmacy & Science
2000/09 ~ 2001/06:輔仁大學 進修部 會計系 (週遊列校_No.05-輔仁大學)
Fu-Jen Catholic University. The School of Continuing Education, Department of Accounting
1999/09 ~ 2000/06:力行升大學 保證班 (週遊列校_No.04-力行重考班)
1999/02 ~ 1999/05:高雄市私立復華中學 (週遊列校_No.03-復華中學) Kaohsiung Private Fu-Hwa High School
1998/09 ~ 1999/01:國立岡山高級中學 (週遊列校_No.02-岡山高中) National Kangshan Senior High School
1996/09 ~ 1998/06:高雄市立左營高級中學 (週遊列校_No.01-左營高中) Kaohsiung Municipal Tsoying Senior High School